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Frequently Asked Questions About Generators

What is a backup generator?

A backup generator, also known as a standby generator, is a machine designed to provide a building with power during a utility outage. The generator will operate automatically by utilizing a transfer switch that will power up the system by transferring the electrical load to it.

What’s the difference between a standby generator and a portable generator?

While both standby generators and portable generators perform identical basic tasks, they are very much different machines. Portable generators are smaller and must be manually filled with gasoline, which runs out rather quickly. A standby generator, however, is permanently installed by an expert and runs on natural gas or propane, meaning it can run for several days or weeks without ceasing โ€” this is a go-to option for those who live in climates prone to hurricanes or other frequent causes of power outages as they are much more reliable and efficient.

How long can I continuously run my generator?

Standby generators are designed to run throughout the entirety of an outage, shutting themselves off in order to wait for the next outage to occur. Typically, the recommended limit of use is within two weeks of continuous power.

When should I repair or replace my generator?

Standby generators are designed for extended use, and they’ll typically last for 25 to 30 years. If you notice signs of distress (i.e., visible damage, frequent shut-offs, difficulty starting up, etc.), a repair may be needed. If you’ve had your generator longer than the average life span or it’s met with issues beyond repair, schedule a replacement service with a professional.

Is generator maintenance worth it?

Every appliance in or around your home should receive maintenance โ€” generators included. South Florida homes often rely on standby generators to supply them with power during outages, so ensuring your unit receives maintenanceย  annually will keep it working at its peak performance.

What type of generator is right for my home?

The generator inventory is full of exceptional models, and it can be difficult to select the best one for your home. It’s crucial to take into consideration things like your budget and how often you’ll need to use your generator in order to make the decision, and your best bet is to consult an expert on the matter.

If you have any more questions about generators, Reliable Power Systems is here to help! Give us a call at 561.757.4405 or contact us online, and we’ll happily help answer all your generator questions.


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Angie's List Super Service Award 2014
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Angi 2021 Super Service Award
Angie's list Super Service Award 2016
BBB Accredited Business
HomeAdvisor Top Rated
Kohler Generators Authorized Dealer
Generac Power Pro Premier
Tesla WallConnector Approved Electrician
Angie's list Super Service Award 2020
Angie's List Super Service Award 2014
Reliable Power Systems 21st Anniversary 2002-2023
Angi 2022 Super Service Award 10 years in a row
Angi 2021 Super Service Award
Angie's list Super Service Award 2016
BBB Accredited Business
HomeAdvisor Top Rated
Kohler Generators Authorized Dealer
Generac Power Pro Premier
Tesla WallConnector Approved Electrician
Angie's list Super Service Award 2020