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5 Things to Know Before Generator Installation in Boca Raton

Generac Generator installationSo you’re considering generator installation in Boca Raton—easy, right? Wrong! While it’s important you have a generator that can supply power to your home. It’s not just a matter of finding the nearest generator available and having it installed by a professional. Knowledge is power when it comes to generator installation. The more you know about generators, the higher chance you have of installing a generator proving to be the perfect fit for your home. Otherwise, you may get stuck with a real dud of a system that can’t even supply power to a blender!

Reliable Power Systems doesn’t only make it their mission to install a generator in all homes across Boca Raton, but also educate customers on the ins and outs of a generator before they make a purchase. We want nothing but the best for our Boca Raton residents, and certainly don’t want to see them stuck with a generator that can’t properly supply them with enough power for their home. Our electricians are always ready, willing, and able to help you!

Generator Installation in Boca Raton: What to Know

Say you’re a buying a new car. You simply wouldn’t just pick one out at the dealership without knowing any further details about it, right? The same applies for generators. Here are 5 thing to know before you go ahead and install:

  1. Learn What They Do: Of course, before anything else, you need to think about your generator’s abilities. Generators come in two main types: portable and standby. While portable generators can be moved around more, a standby generator is placed on a concrete pad on your lawn and can provide uninterrupted power to your home for days. They are also powered by fuel such as natural gas, propane, or diesel.
  2. Don’t Attempt DIY Installation: Absolutely under no circumstance should you attempt DIY generator installation. It must be handled by the pros. Not only is there a higher chance your generator won’t be able to work to the best of its abilities, it’s also incredibly unsafe, especially if you don’t know the proper safety precautions to take before installation.
  3. Consider Pricing: The amount of money you pay for a generator should be correlated to your home’s electrical needs and any potential emergencies you may encounter. Make no mistake, generators be costly, hovering $3,000 even before the cost of installation comes into the effect. The last thing you want is to pay all that money for a generator that doesn’t even fit in your home.
  4. They Are Noisy: Generators aren’t quiet by any means. They are usually measured around 62 decibels. This is fine if you live in a rural area, but you may not be too popular with neighbors in a tight city neighborhood.
  5. Obey the 5-Foot Rule: Most building codes require a generator be kept at least 5 feet away from a house opening especially if a system breakdown were to ever occur. It should also be kept 5 feet away from anything flammable.

Contact Reliable Power Systems today if you want to learn more before generator installation in Boca Raton!


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Angie's list Super Service Award 2020
Angie's List Super Service Award 2014
Reliable Power Systems 21st Anniversary 2002-2023
Angi 2022 Super Service Award 10 years in a row
Angi 2021 Super Service Award
Angie's list Super Service Award 2016
BBB Accredited Business
HomeAdvisor Top Rated
Kohler Generators Authorized Dealer
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Angie's list Super Service Award 2020